Connect to Holochain using the systems your company already uses
Leverage the power of decentralised, scalable storage in a convenient way
Unlock Scalability, Security, and Cost Savings with Holochain for Your .NET Enterprise
As your company grows, so does the data burden. Storage becomes increasingly challenging and expensive, as does ensuring data security using traditional centralised server models. With its revolutionary peer to peer, serverless architecture, Holochain presents a huge opportunity for companies looking for a long-term scalable storage solution.
Improved security
Leverag for tamper-proof data storage and enhanced privacy control
Enhanced scalability
Efficiently handle massive data volumes without infrastructure limitations
Reduced costs
Potentially minimize storage expenditure by eliminating reliance on expensive server upgrades
The challenge lies in migrating legacy systems and databases, easily. That’s what HoloNET is here to help with.
Easy data migration with HoloNET ORM
Another feature designed to remove the headache from migrating to Holochain, particularly for larger databases is HoloNET ORM. Simply add a few attributes to your existing models / classes, and the ORM will map them to Holochain.
HoloNET ORM is available as a premium feature